Friday, January 27, 2006

Review & Fixes

Today we surveyed the class to see what literary terms the class already knew and then made posters over those in order to "review" them. If you were absent, you need to sign-up for a term with Mrs. Gilbert and make up a poster of your own.

Then we got back our Procedure Quizzes and finished the seating chart portion. We then had to go through the wrong answers and find the right answers. For two of the wrong answers, you need to write on a piece of paper, why did you pick the wrong answer and what is is that makes the "right" answer a better choice? (5 points each, be sure to reflect the question and write in sentences).

Homework: Read Chapter 5 excerpts (79-88 and 90-93) and write 2 discussion questions for Chap. 4 and 2 discussion questions for Chap. 5

If you are going to be absent Monday, don't forget to read excerpts of Chap. 7 (94-98, 107-114, and 116-118) for Tuesday.

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