Monday, January 23, 2006

Details, details

Today we started class with a scavenger hunt to review some class procedures and terminology. We also turned in our homework (the 10 quotes of language you love).

Then we got literary cheatsheets -- big thick packets we are going to use all semester. We wrote the definition and purpose of "details" on there (be sure to get it from a classmate) and then we read some partner interviews aloud and identified the details in them. Then we read a couple of poems about childhood (e.g. "I am from...") and had time to write (10-12 minutes total) about something and use plenty of details. Be sure to keep all of your writing for future use (it will be turned in eventually).

Finally, we talked about what we know about Malcolm X and why we want to read his autobiography. We signed out books and got homework reading for tonight (pages 3-6, 11-16, and 24-26). Please look for "details" that Malcolm chooses to reveal about himself in this opening chapter and bring your book and literary cheatsheet to class tomorrow.

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