Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Analyzing poetry

Today we took notes on what makes a good and bad poem, and then we practices analyzing the poem "Touch" by Terrace Hayes. If you were absent, you need to get the notes from a classmate and then annotate "Touch" -- write in the margins which words/details give you clues about what is happening in the poem, what is the author's meaning. Then you have to go back to "A Song from the Front Yard" and annotate that in comparison to Malcolm X -- write in the margins details that connect to specific details in the poems and connect the two by arrows. Finally you need to get a quiz "question" from Mrs. Gilbert about last night's reading.

Tonight's reading: Chp. 7 pages 126-129, and 137-145. Be sure to bring your writing to class tomorrow because we'll be doing lots of writing.

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