Wednesday, November 24, 2004

We went to the computer lab and we did an assignment that dealed with the CRAAP worksheet. It was called Searching the Web worksheet

We corrected Searching the Web worksheet.

You told Mrs. Gilbert whether you wanted to do a test or a project for MND and whether you wanted to do a big paper for your research or a little paper and a presentation.

Secretary: Jene C

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Research brainstorming

Bell work-Get in your group and brainstorm real reasons people do research. Then brainstorm a list of topics that you'd be interesting in learning about.

Choose three topics that you might be interested in researching and write about them:
1, Give the topic and WHY you like it.
2, who else would be interested in learning about it,
3, what kind of resources would be available. Write it in paragraph form

Watch the rest of the movie

Go over the CRAAP worksheet and complete homework on it.

Secretary: Marlon

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Catching up on MND

-Quiz (you may use any notes on the quiz but no open books or open neighbor) -Quiz needs to be made up as soon as possible

-Write a letter (analyzing how realistic MND is) based on the checklist. (NOTE: Students who had already done this activity got an opportunity to write a “soap opera” version of a scene from MND)

-Watch 3.1 from MND on video

-Homework: Finish the letter if you didn’t in class.

Be good for the substitute teacher tomorrow and Friday.

Secretaries Mark & Marlon

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

· Read your homework letters to your group
· Discuss whether you fell more sympathy for Demetrius or Helena and why.

Subtext activity (all the ways we mean things different then what we say)
· Read lines 41-71 (starting on page 53) and discuss what they say versus what they mean.
· Finish reading the scene as a whole class and take notes on the events that happen.

Homework: Write for 10 minutes in your journal about the characters in the play – who you like, who you hate, what you think will happen and what you are confused about.
Take grade reports home and get them signed.

Class Secretary: Julie G. & Marlon

Monday, November 15, 2004

Comparing versions of MND

Bellwork: Starting on page 25, read lines 43-57 from Robin (aka Puck) then illustrate one of the many pranks Puck describes in his speech. Went over bell work

C/C versions of different MND movie versions -- took notes on how conflict between King & Queen results in natural disturbances. Note how special effects, costumes, etc. reinforce lines.

G0t in groups and filled out evals of homework writing. Turn in today (for full credit) or tomorrow (for reduced credit)

Homework: Read lines 176 to the end and write letter (pretend to be character and describe the fight to a friend)

Secretary: Marlon

Friday, November 12, 2004

Dear Class,
On November 12, 2004 we came in, looked on the board and the Bell work was” Please pick up flyer and get in new seat and get out homework.”
After the Bellwork we went over the work or the homework that we had yesterday. We revised our answers and had a skit played by a couple of students to show us how it looked in the book of A Midsummer Dream Act 1, scene 1.
After that we picked parts in the book for students to read and took notes on what they were reading. Following that we wrote down our homework and it is due by Monday. This was the homework:
Explain why a character’s comments( at least three) are typical for their time period AND how they are similar to things said today. SCENARIO: write a letter to a classmate who says the play isn’t realistic and use those comments/examples for support.

Secretary: Kym W

Monday, November 08, 2004

Sorry, you could not be in class today… we learned a lot of things today!

List of things that we did today were as follows:

Turn in homework
: Comic Strips
: See Mrs. Gilbert on details about Comic Strip

: A midsummer nights dream
: Copy notes from a classmate and turn them in.
: Get them back Tuesday (11/9)

Class Work
We filled out a sheet on what we should have for our next book after Midsummer Night’s Dream! Everyone got into groups of 3-4 to talk about what novel they want to read next and gave Mrs. Gilbert their top five choices.

No homework! Unless you did not complete the homework over the weekend. Remember that half credit is better than no credit.

We missed you

Matt B.

Thursday, November 04, 2004


Bellwork: Get out your notes from yesterday and make sure you summarized all the class events. Then check your summary against the one Mrs. Gilbert wrote and grade yourself. Turn them in to the crate.

Read over the syllabus addition letter and write any questions/concerns on the back of it and turn it in to Mrs. Gilbert

Take notes on how to draw Thinksticks and practice drawing a comic strip of 5-10 panes (due Monday) on one of the following scenarios:
1. A father trying to tell his rebellious daughter who to date.
2. A married couple accusing each other of infidelity.
3. A girl pathetically trying to get the attention of a boy who hates her.

(NOTE: We are practicing some drawing in preparation for studying Shakespeare where we will use a combination of acting and drawing to visual the scenes.)

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A fresh start

Today in class we used play-doh to create symbols. First we created symbols of how we felt about last quarter (and then had to explain the symbols in writing), and then we made symbols of our hopes for this next quarter (and explained those in writing as well).

We then filled out a self-evaluation checklist of our work habits for last quarter and received a printout of our approximate grade for last quarter to compare how our work habits influenced our grade.

Using that information, we wrote letters to our parents explaining our grade, describing what work habits led to that grade, what we hope to do for the next quarter, and how our parents can help us achieve those goals.

We turned in the play-doh writing, the checklist and the parent letter.

Our final activity was to take notes on "Class Secretary" -- a person responsible for taking notes on class activities (as I am doing now), posting them to the class blog, and passing back papers during class. We also used the last two minutes of class to practice writing up the events of class. We were told to keep the class secretary notes for use tomorrow.

Tomorrow, we will sign up for days to be class secretary, and our only homework is to make sure we come prepared with our folder, journal, writing utensil, and any textbooks that have yet to be turned in.